NewBabyCare in the hospital Clinica La Salud

The assisted reproduction unit of the hospital Clinica La Salud, is considered as the best in the province of Cádiz. To complete all process of pregnancy, from conception to birth, the hospital Clinica La Salud has specialized in births of low intervention, for which has entrusted in the bed NewBabyCare of Pardo for its new delivery room.


One of the major concerns of pregnancy is the pain in childbirth. To combat the discomfort of women, the team of midwives who accompany them during gestation to the future moms, inform them in the maternal education classes about techniques of breath, relax and other measures of pain relief. These techniques united to the benefits and advantages which provides the delivery bed of Pardo makes that actually exist many women who opt for childbirth of low intervention, in which only use the medication in case of express wish of the parturient or the presence of complications.


The hospital Clinica La Salud is offering its services in Cádiz since 1960, being considered one of the best private clinics of all the province. For Pardo is a pride the confidence of this entity in our products to continue improving and advancing towards excellence.



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